Department of Food Science and Technology

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Organization name
Department of Food Science and Technology
Responsible Person
Parent OrgUnit
Organization Type
The Department of Food Science and Technology of the School of Food Sciences at the University of West Attica was established, according to the founding law of the UWA, Law No. 4521/02-03-2018. It originated from the Department of Food Technology of the School of Food Technology and Nutrition at the Technical Educational Institution of Athens, which emerged in 1985 from the merger of the Department of Plant Products and the Department of Animal Products.

The number of students admitted to the Department of Food Technology is determined by a relevant ministerial decision per academic year, while also 10% of the students admitted can be graduates of other faculties that are admitted with qualifying examinations.

The Department of Food Technology has 14 Faculty members, 3 Laboratory Teaching Staff members, and 1 Special Technical Staff member. Its goal is to provide a high-quality teaching and research work, the continuous upgrading of its academic programs, and the improvement of its infrastructure.

The Department of Food Science and Technology aims to provide high-quality education to train scientists with advanced knowledge, skills, and expertise in Food Science and Technology. The department focuses on areas such as food microbiology, food chemistry and analysis, food processing, preservation and packaging, quality assurance, and technology related to plant and animal food products, etc.

The Department of Food Science and Technology achieves its goals by implementing modern and innovative international practices in its Curriculum, both in theory and in practice, tailored to both international and Greek reality. The new Undergraduate Program, which was approved by the decision of the Department of Food Science and Technology Assembly with number 4/24-05-2018, is designed to be developed through a modern and comprehensive curriculum and other educational activities, utilizing, composing and evolving international know-how. The latest amendment was approved by Act 10/31-08-2023 (Topic 18) of the Senate and will be implemented from the academic year 2023-2024.