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Organization name
Department of Nursing
Responsible Person
Organization Type
The Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health and Care Sciences, was founded in 1983 at the Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Athens incorporating the Higher Governmental Schools of Nursing which operated at Public Hospitals.

In the year 2018, it joined the University of West Attica. The course lasts 4 years (8 academic semesters).

Accreditation Report of the New Undergraduate Study Programme in operation of: Nursing (Institution: University of West Attica) – duration 17-03-2023 up to 16-03-2028

The aim of the Department is to educate nurse scientists capable of responding to the complexity and breadth of the needs of promoting, protecting, preserving and restoring the health of citizens in the modern health care system, taking into account the personality of each person as well as his/her social, economic, and cultural background.

Nursing is a humanistic science but also a specialized art. Its mission is to help people, families and society in all health and disease states. Nursing practice is based on research and its interest focuses on maintaining and promoting health as well as preventing illness in individuals, families and the community while achieving optimal psychosocial functioning.

The academic staff of the Department constitutes a body of experienced professionals, specialists in their field and active researchers, who share the unwavering and unifying dedication to serving others through excellence in education, discovery of new knowledge and improvement of care.

Our educational philosophy places the student at the center of the learning process. The objectives of the curriculum are:
To offer modern, innovative and flexible studies in Nursing Science, tailored to the wider scientific, social and professional needs.
To foster students’ and future nurses’ spirit of search for knowledge, collective effort and democratic behavior.
To foster students’ sense of individual and collective responsibility towards social problems and social inequalities.
To equip them with the skills to develop their own self-motivation, personal expression and critical thinking in the process of developing a strong professional identity.

Course Outlines / Syllabus

Research programs are being developed in collaboration with other Departments or with other health facilities or undertaken jointly with other Universities Abroad. Significant activities in the department include exchanges of students and teachers in European programs (Erasmus, Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci).

The Department of Nursing has developed the following Research Laboratories:
Nursing Rehabilitation of the Chronically Ill
ICU Follow-up Care Lab
Research Laboratory of Home Health Care – RLHHC

The Department also publishes the “Rostrum of Asclepius”, a scientific nursing journal of international recognition (Indexing in: Zenodo, Google Scholar, HEAL Link, Cinahl, Sherpa/Romeo).

The Department of Nursing has developed the following autonomous Postgraduate Study Programs (MSc’s):
Wound Care and Treatment
Community and Public Health Nursing
Management of Chronic Diseases
Applied Clinical Nursing

and through partnership and collaboration with the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens has developed the following MSc:

Intensive Care Units- Cardiology, Medical and Nursing Care