Department of Graphic Design and Visual Communication

Organization name
Department of Graphic Design and Visual Communication
Responsible Person
Organization Type
The Department of Graphic Design and Visual Communication, University of West Attica was founded by the amalgamation of the previous educational fields of Graphic Design and Graphic Arts Technology.
The Department of Graphic Design and Visual Communication aims to provide an educational degree of the highest quality and to fully train its students in the fields of Graphic Design and Graphic Arts Technology by ensuring their excellence in acquiring valuable knowledge, in aspiring for scientific endeavour, and in attaining cutting-edge technological insight.

Curriculum of Studies
The Departments’ Curriculum for the four-year course (BA in Arts) has been designed by following the international standards of modern educational trends and practice, as well as the recommendations of the international associations of the Industry and the directives of the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (HQA).

The Programme of Studies aims to:
I. Provide high quality courses in theoretical studies and in art & technology seminars.
II. Keep abreast of the fast advancing scientific developments and by readjusting the coursework accordingly.
III. Ensure that each graduate has acquired a sound scientific foundation, creative artistic perspective and high technical skills, which can be used successfully for a professional career in the many fields of the Visual Communication industry.
IV. Disseminate knowledge and prepare the students to pursue successfully post-graduate studies in Greek institutions or abroad.

The Department’s Administrative structure:
The highest administrative body of the Department is the General Assembly, which is constituted by the entire Teaching & Research faculty staff of the Department, a representative of the Technical Assistant employees, and representatives of the Student Union body.