Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering

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Organization name
Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering
Responsible Person
Parent OrgUnit
Organization Type
The Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering belongs to the School of Engineering of the University of West Attica (Law 4521/2018). The Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering offers a 5-year Engineering Degree Programme in the fields of Industrial Design and Production Engineering.
The Department through its curriculum aims to provide graduates with the knowledge, competencies and skills that cover the scope of the specialty of Industrial Design and Production Engineering, and the corresponding profession. The Department's curriculum aspires to provide students with up-to-date, high-level and specialized knowledge and skills in the science of Industrial Design and Production Engineering. and its interdisciplinary fields of application. The program targets graduates who combine sound theoretical knowledge with significant laboratory application in cutting-edge technologies, so that they can keep abreast of the ever-evolving landscape in their field of science and in their professional field.

The mission of the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering is:
to provide university education in the broader field of Industrial Design and Production Engineering, through undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies,
the production of new knowledge and the contribution to the development of technology, through original research, both independently and in the context of national and international/European research collaborations,
contributing to the regional and national development of production, the economy and society, through outward-looking actions and collaborations with public and private bodies.
The Department currently offers one (1) undergraduate and four (4) Master's level postgraduate programmes, as well as one (1) organised doctoral programme. The programs offered cover the full range of studies in Industrial Design and Manufacturing Engineering. Thanks to the high academic qualifications of its staff, the Department is able not only to follow, but also to actively participate in the developments of science and technology at international level. This ensures the provision of curricula that prepare graduates to fully meet the modern demands of the market and society.

The main objective of these studies is to provide the tools for understanding the fundamental principles underlying new technologies, but also to contribute to the development of critical thinking in engineering, which will enable graduates to apply these technologies successfully to today's complex engineering problems.
In addition, the Department adopts as a strategic objective of its mission the collaborations with other educational, research and social institutions, public or private, active in related disciplines.

The vision of the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering of the School of Engineering of the University of West Attica is to provide a high level of education in the scientific field of Industrial Design and Production Engineering, which will be able to provide graduates with a solid background of general and specialized theoretical knowledge and skills, along with the acquisition of significant experience in practical applications through systematic training in laboratory facilities at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The provided level of studies, as implemented through the Undergraduate Program of Studies and the offered Postgraduate Programs, seeks to be at the forefront of international developments and not simply to be directly competitive with programs of corresponding engineering departments in Greece and abroad. For this reason the education provided focuses on:
(a) The development and optimization of digital technologies that support the evolution of Industry 4.0.
b) Innovative methodologies to promote the sectors that are comparative advantages of the Greek economy.
c) The design of methodologies and processes that promote sustainability in production and living.

In addition, the Department aims at the multifaceted development and integration of the students' personality as well as the development of their professional and social awareness through the cultivation of a methodical and innovative way of thinking and problem solving. In particular, it seeks to develop in students an interest in scientific research and gradually introduces them to the research processes of the Department, giving them a role in its research groups and laboratories, in order to ensure the readiness of graduates interested in third cycle academic studies. Finally, the Department seeks organized interfacing and interaction with production units and/or service providers in the field and with related professional bodies, and the involvement of students in the processes of program improvement and lifelong learning, in order to ensure the position of graduates in the contemporary labour market over time.
In conclusion, the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering offers studies in a broad field of knowledge, in which research and innovation constantly produce new and important results that directly affect both production and economy, as well as everyday life. The Department's vision is to remain at the cutting edge of science and technology in the subject area it treats and to provide studies that prepare, theoretically and practically, graduates to fully meet the modern demands and challenges of the future.