Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering

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Organization name
Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering
Responsible Person
Parent OrgUnit
Organization Type
epartment of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the University of West Attica was founded in 2018, by the merging of the Department of Informatics of the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and the Department of Computer Systems Engineering of Piraeus University of Applied Sciences.

These two former Departments had developed the required support structures in time and they were continuously implementing procedures of internal and external evaluation of their study programs:

Since 2004, the Department of Informatics Engineering had created committees and procedures to evaluate and reform its Study Program. At the beginning of 2006, the Department carried out its first evaluation by a three-member committee of external judges. This evaluation examined the three-year period 2003-2005 and is available at
The external evaluation of the Department was carried out in November 2008 by a committee of external evaluators of H.Q.A and is available at Also, since 2008 the Department submits internal evaluation reports to the Institutions’ MO.DI.P.

The latest evaluation report covers the three-year period 2014-2016 and is available at
Finally, in April 2014 the Department submitted a Proposal for Academic Certification to the H.Q.A. ( regarding the Department’s current curriculum.

The external evaluation of the Department of Computer Systems Engineering was carried out in July 2013 by a committee of external evaluators of H.W.A. and the report is available at
Also, since 2011 the Department submits internal evaluation reports to the Institution’s MO.DI.P. The latest evaluation report covers the three-year period 2014-2016 and is available at