Multiresolution organization of video content using an optimal interpolation scheme
Authors: Ntalianis, Klimis 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2004
Journal: WSEAS Transactions on Systems 
Volume: 3
Issue: 10
Keywords: Video sequences, Multiresolution, Tree structure, Content organization, Interpolation
In this paper, a scheme for multiresolution organization of video content is proposed that enables fast browsing and effective transmission of video files. The scheme results in the construction of a five-layer tree structure. At layer 0 the root-node contains an advertising image of the whole sequence. Each node of layer 1 represents a class of shots while each node of layer 2 represents a shot. At the next resolution level (layer 3) nodes represent key-frames of shots. Finally layer 4 corresponds to the full resolution level, where each node contains a frame of the sequence. The nodes of the proposed tree structure contain viewing elements and in this paper we focus on the extraction of viewing elements for layers 1, 2 and 3. Towards this direction viewing elements of layers 1 and 3 are optimally extracted using an interpolation method. Additionally viewing elements of layer 2 are selected according to a correlation measure between the mean vector of a shot and each of the frames within this shot. The resulting tree-structure enables users to quickly browse video sequences and detect content of interest, by selecting the viewing elements they like. Experimental results on real-life video sequences indicate the promising performance of the proposed scheme.
ISSN: 2224-2678
Type: Article
Department: Department of Business Administration 
School: School of Administrative, Economics and Social Sciences 
Affiliation: University of West Attica (UNIWA) 
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